3 exercises for long term neck relief 
You may be sitting down over the weekend with a stiff and sore neck, thinking…. this is just part of my life. Something I just have to deal with, I can’t do anything about it besides short term pain relief.
I’m here to tell you this is just not true!
Having a sore neck may be common, but it’s certainly not “normal”.
You may be surprised to learn that the strength of your neck and the surrounding joints can have significant impact on how often you experience pain, after all if you don’t have the strong foundations to support, how is your neck and head meant to be 100%?!
The following three exercises are some of the ways I suggest clients build the strength around their neck, and keep the pain at bay in the long term.
Don’t get me wrong, heat-packs, hands on work and other pain relieving strategies are great in the short term but to achieve long term results for your neck a more targeted and specific plan is needed.
Try out these 3 exercises today!
Scapula T-Row
Using a resistance band, standing with feet hip width apart, bring your arms out to a full extension. There should be amble resistance in your band during this movement. Be mindful to hold your form throughout this exercise, controlling the extension and also when you’re coming back into your beginning position.
Repeat for one minute.
Shoulder shrugs
Holding a weight in one hand, standing with feet hip width apart, bring the weighted shoulder up to your ear, moving it down with control. Repeat this for 30 seconds and then switch your working hand. Please be mindful when bringing your shoulder up to your ear. Stay controlled in your form throughout the movement. Any pain, cease this exercise or pick a lighter weight.
Wall climb
Place your resistance band around your wrists, have your elbows against a wall, putting resistance and stretch on your band so you have to work to keep your position. Slowly climb the wall one hand at a time until your arms and completely stretched out, keeping your elbows in.
Slowly do the same movement in reverse down the wall.
Repeat for one minute.
Give these exercises a try and let us know what you think!
If you, or someone you know is suffering from a painful neck please call our clinic on 8838 2882. We can tailor a personalised plan for your specific situation.