If you’ve ever suffered from back pain then this is for you!
Have you experienced some (or all) of the following
- Ongoing back discomfort, stiffness and pain?
- Trouble sleeping and the need for pain relief medication?
- Headaches, frustration and difficulty with your focus and motivation in work?
- Impacting the quality time with your loved ones?
- Being unable to engage in the exercise you want to do?
Maybe even simple tasks like sitting, driving or getting out of bed can become painful and difficult….
We are dedicated to helping people recover from back pain and truly believe you deserve to experience…
- No pain, discomfort or stiffness!
- A good night sleep that leaves you rested and refreshed!
- Getting the most out of your day, knowing that you can be present in work and with your loved ones.
- Being able to play with your kids, keep up with them and enjoy it!
- Happy hormones kicking through your system due to all the exercise you can now do, leaving you full of energy, enthusiasm and joy!
Top 3 tips to eliminate back pain fast!
So here is what I want to share with you today (these are some of my top tips I share with my clients)
- Motion is lotion! If you don’t use it you lose it. The lower back relies on little movements often, and if you don’t move you will end up with a stiff and sore back. Get out of your chair every hour for five minutes minimum. Set an alarm to get yourself moving and you will see a difference quickly.
- Weak butt muscles! Sitting on your bum turns your arse off! Again, up off that chair, look into getting a stand-up desk to mix it up. Finally, strength up those glutes and you’ll be more likely to see long lasting results.
- Everything is connected! If you have a stiff mid back your lower back will cop it and tense up! Equally if your glutes are weak, they can’t support your lower back. Have you ever walked over a rope bridge? (Pretty scary right) It feels shaky and unstable. In a similar way, the body is one big team that relies on collective health in order to work at an optimum level. Each body part has a role to play, and if one body part doesn’t own its role, it puts pressure on the whole system. To truly help your bad back all links in the chain need to be looked after!