Start paying attention to your ankles!

I was enjoying a coffee on my morning walk today and started thinking about the ankles and how it’s commonly an overlooked joint in the body. I was inspired to share a little about this with you, I hope that you find it valuable.


I  believe diving into this topic is important because there’s a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to the ankle. Most prominently, when it comes to how to address problems and pain in this area, there’s many people at a disadvantage.

You’re left with stiffness, pain and lack of mobility in your ankles where you find yourself struggling to move in the morning.

I don’t want that for you, the ankle needs just as much attention as any other area!

I want you to have strong, secure ankles where you’re not pulling up stiff every second day!

People are living with ankle problems for too long and it’s time to make the change.

So here is what I want to share with you today: 

Why the ankle needs some love! 

I mentioned that the ankle is often overlooked when it comes to our bodies.

Yet when you think about it they’re there at the bottom with the entire rest of the body on top. They take a lot of pressure!

It is super common to have persistent ankle pain that can easily be resolved by improving a few key concepts. Check them out below…
  1. Improve you ankle joint flexibility (How supple the ankle is) This reduces the feeling of stiffness and makes your ankles feel like they’re young again.
  2. Improve the strength in your calf muscles
    This provides more support to the ankle. These muscle help push the foot off the ground when we walk and also act as a shock absorber every time our foot hits the ground with walking and running.

  3. Improve the balance or proprioception in the ankle. This will in turn mean that you will find walking on uneven terrain a breeze. Allowing you to focus on the path ahead or the conversation you are having with your friend. Rather than nervously looking at your feet all the time and feeling uncertain!        

– Ross Kinsella
P.S- Want to learn more about how we can help you to get the best out of your ankles?
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