Common misconceptions with arthritis!


I was enjoying a workout this morning and started thinking about arthritic pain. Specifically, the way many people view arthritis. I was inspired to share this with you. I hope you find this valuable.   


This is important because if you don’t understand the foundations of arthritic pain then you’re at risk of just accepting your pain as “normal”. Without taking action, you may experience reduced confidence in doing everyday tasks. These may include picking up your grandchildren, gardening or even hanging out the washing. You’re not functioning at your full capacity…  

and I don’t want that for you.  

You deserve to have a clear understanding of your arthritic pain, a targeted path forward and the scope to do whatever it is you want to do. I want you to be confident enough to garden, pick up the grandchildren, go for that caravan holiday and feel GREAT doing it.

So here is what I want to share with you today:  

One of the key reasons people get poor outcomes with their arthritis is more their sense of perspective or their mindset.   

Having the perspective that nothing will change with your arthritic pain is not helpful and it is not your fault. You can actually control and change this more than you think.

We want you to achieve a reduction of pain and live a life full of movement and independence. 

Specifically, the shift in mindset that needs to happen is that you CAN change this. The arthritis will remain but what will change more is the support around those arthritic joints.

Consequently, If you “accept your fate” so to speak your body accepts this, and a lack of motivation and drive will follow. Our bodies react to what we feed it; this includes what our mind is thinking also!   

Taking a passive approach through reduced activity and medication will only disempower you. This leaves you frustrated and not as active as you want to be. This flows on to reduced strength in key muscles supporting your joint, which further increases the concerns you have: A vicious cycle.   

Basically, a positive cycle needs to happen.

The actions you take to strengthen and support your arthritis, leads to you being in less pain and being more active. You become more empowered, have higher energy levels take control of the condition. The choice is yours.   

Finally, to get on top of this, you need to have clear and precise strategy. You can the become more independent and feel confident in those day-to-day activities. Do you have clarity on how to turn a vicious cycle into a positive cycle? If not, we are here to help.  

Listen, I hope this was helpful for you!  

If you have any questions at all surrounding your arthritic pain, or want to know how to support yourself, get in contact, I’d love to have a chat.   

Ross Kinsella  

P.S: Want to learn more about how we can help you to tackle your arthritic pain head on?   

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