Do you know what the pain in your hip is?!

Do you suffer from: 

  •  A dull ache around the hip 
  • An increase of symptoms after long periods standing, walking or hiking  
  • General stiffness in the morning 
  • Trouble with climbing stairs 
  • Trouble sitting in low chairs 
  • Putting on your shoes and socks 


Arthritis is a very common condition and is a blanket term for inflammation and stiffness of the joint. It is most common after the age of 50 and can be present in many ways with varying levels of severity.  

You may feel that some symptoms are a part of growing older, I’m here to tell you that you DO NOT need to suffer and put up with the pain! There are several avenues to help with managing arthritis and the symptoms of arthritis, you still can live life to the fullest. 

In fact:

Keep moving, movement helps to decrease the stiffness around the joint that arthritis can cause. Even if you feel a mild level of discomfort (Not outright pain) it’s important to keep moving and lean into the discomfort a little. Your last avenue should be surgery, there are plenty of less invasive ways to manage your arthritis before a hip replacement or major surgery is needed 99% of the time.  

The most important tip I have is:

To work on getting stronger not just in the hips, but the core and the legs too.

All your joints and muscles are working together to provide your body with support, if they’re weak you will feel yourself compensating in other areas, straining yourself doing small tasks because you don’t have the foundations. This does not only just apply to arthritis of the hip but can be applied to other areas of pain in the body.  

Strength work is so incredibly important to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle no matter our age! 

✨✨ If you have any questions please contact us. We would love to have a chat on how we can help you with your hip pain ✨✨ 


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