Experiencing referring pain? Check this out!

I was with a client this morning and they asked me about the referral they were experiencing in their hip that had begun in their knee!

I gave them some insight on this topic and I thought that I’d pop what I said on here as it’s information that could benefit others.


This is important because there’s often a misunderstanding on how and why pain refers to other places. The repercussions of this is that too many people are targeting the wrong areas. Which sees many left with referral pain extending beyond one or two joints. This starts really effecting the quality of life they’re living and not functioning to the highest potential.

I don’t want this for you! 

I want you to have a thorough understanding of your body, where it is at and how to listen to what it’s trying to communicate to you. I want you to be well prepared and aware of your body moving forward, it will make a world of difference, TRUST ME!

As my client was specifically talking about their knee and referral they’re experiencing from there. I will talk in relation to this joint but bear in mind that this advice applies to joints all around the body!

Here’s what I want to share with you today..  

1. It is very common for hip issues to occur as a result of a constant knee problem.

 This is due to the hip compensating from the pain in the knee. We need to get on with our lives, move and do our daily tasks, as life goes on despite the pain. If the hip is becoming a problem as well as the knee it is telling us that the hip needs significant strength work to support the knee. This is in conjunction with the muscles that support the knee. This is often the case with rehab of any knee issue as strong hips = strong knee joints.

2. This highlights the need to rehab your knee issue holistically

Commonly to fix knee issues the entire lower limb needs to be considered. The muscles in the human body work together in unison to move us around in daily life.  Rehab needs to have the same holistic approach, otherwise you are simply taking short cuts and likely to get a poor outcome. This leads to your problem coming back and frustration for you.

I know it can feel overwhelming to think of treating more then one joint at a time. What may feel like a short term pinch, will most of the time deliver the best long term outcome.

Any questions at all please feel free to reach out, on this subject or any other!

– Ross Kinsella

P.S: Want to learn more about how we can help you with your pain?!
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