Running Assessments

Are you sick and tired of the constant running injury cycle?

This is all too common, a vicious cycle keeping you from running at your best. We understand that running is an outlet for you mentally, socially and physically! We are passionate about getting you back to what you love!


Perhaps you are looking to achieve your peak performance?

Or do you want your running form and mechanics looked at to improve your performance or to prevent injury?

In this detailed 90 minute running assessment, industry leader Ross Kinsella will provide you with the ultimate running experience! We dive in to fully appreciate your running history, journey, past and present injury concerns and future goals and aspirations that you have.

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APA titled Sports Physiotherapist

This session is led by Industry Leader Ross Kinsella who is passionate about running and supporting others achieve their goals within this arena. Ross is a APA titled Sports Physiotherapist who draws on his own experience as an endurance athlete, where he qualified for the World Championship Hawaiian Ironman and has run a 2 hour 43 minute marathon!

So what is included in the 90-minute consultation?

  • Thorough one on one coaching with Ross Kinsella to explore your goals, dreams and why so you are considered holistically as a whole
  • Detailed analysis of your running mechanics
  • Screening of how you move to check for flexibility concerns
  • Strength screening to check for areas that need addressing
  • Individualised exercise program to correct the concerns found in the assessment and allow you to see rapid gains in your running
  • Individual running tips, advice and expert advice

These running assessments are designed to lead to real-world changes, they will give you clarity on what to focus on to prevent injury, overcome injury and enhance your performance.