Take care of your neck health!

I was recently in a team meeting and we were discussing how we see an increase in neck flare ups during December and over the Christmas break.

We brainstormed and reflected on patterns we see emerge with our clients, I’d love to go over them with you.   


This is important to understand because if you don’t learn to identify patterns with your neck… You’re left vulnerable to injury by holding onto stress into your neck- resulting in being stiff and sore during your time off.  

 I don’t want that for you.  

Let’s get you attending all your social events with zero stress. I want to make sure that you’re feeling strong in your neck and confident that you can jump easily into any and all of your summer activities.   

Here is what I want to share with you today:  

1. Get it done early   

Obviously, It’s super important to keep up your exercises and routines during the holidays. The best time I find for clients to keep on track is by completing your exercises first thing in the morning! This way you’ve started the day off right, you stay on track with your rehab program and you free up the afternoon for all your social events.   

I want to highlight again just how important it is to stick to your routines during this time – your body will thank you later, trust me!  

2. Integrate stress relief  

A common pattern we see in the clinic this time of year is a tighter neck from stress. It’s super important to carve out time for yourself. Be mindful of how you’re holding yourself. Are your shoulders heightened, are you clenching your jaw, are you remembering to stretch?  

These are all questions to ask yourself and take note of.   

Being self aware of how you and your body are feeling can go a long way in keeping your neck happy. 

Remember to look after yourself during the busy times, as this is when you need it the most!  

3. Keep moving and grooving  

Unquestionably, a big stress reliever is… enjoying yourself!  

Keep your body moving, go on that long walk with a friend, enjoy that yoga class on a Monday morning now that you’re on holidays. Our bodies aren’t built to stay stagnant for long periods of time. Make sure to integrate active relaxation into your time off.  

Listen, I hope this was helpful and has given you some good insight into your neck health!  

-Ross Kinsella   

P.S: Want to learn more about how we can help you to feel strong and secure in your neck?     

 Click here to book a time 

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