The flow on effects of back problems!
I was talking to my team in a meeting this morning. We were discussing the flow on effects of back problems, specifically those around the mid back!
This is important because not understanding the significance of the effect of back pain, will prolong the symptoms you are experiencing. It can refer to other places, give you lots of aches and stop you from enjoying the day-to-day life.
Here’s the thing, I don’t want that for you.
I want you to be pain free, strong and confident in your back’s capabilities, and get you doing all the things that you love.
So here is what I want to share with you today:
1. Your mid back mobility is KEY!
Your mid back mobility can have a roll-on effect through your neck, lead to headaches, lower back and even into your shoulders. This is the case because it’s all heavily connected. The neck is above it, the lower back is below it and the shoulders are to the side of it. The middle back is the “keystone” between all of these areas on your body.
A lack of mobility in your mid back means other joints are very likely picking up the slack. This then runs the risk of doing tasks that shouldn’t be expected of them. This is why the pain and aches will start and only get worse.
Understanding that mid back movement has a significant effect on this. Getting this addressed sooner rather than later is the key needle mover in getting on top of the pain you’re experiencing.
2. The mid back is the body of a spider
If the mid back or “body” doesn’t have enough mobility, then the other interconnected joints (Or eight legs) aren’t going to move with ease.
The optimum goal for your mid back movement is 90 degrees. You should be comfortable in turning your body and not feel too stiff through that middle back area.
Give this a try….

Sit on a bench with feet on the ground hip width apart.
Cross your arms over chest and slowly twist your body in one direction.
Does it feel stiff?
Or inflexible in this movement.
Do you achieve 90 degrees rotation?
My key point here is that although your neck is giving you that grief and you’re frustrated that you haven’t seen results.. Even after seeing someone or treating your NECK for a while now. It’s time to think outside of the box and think about what you can do outside of treating your neck directly. This small test on your mid back is a great place to start.
I hope you find this valuable to understand.
To help you even more, I’ll be posting a video later this week to help you really understand the flow on effects for your back pain.
– Ross Kinsella
P.S- Want to tackle your back pain head on and learn more about how we can help you in being pain free?