The rookie mistakes people make when they start running

Physio Croydon

The rookie mistakes people make when they start running

 I was enjoying a morning coffee on my deck this morning and found myself thinking about a certain topic. Which was the biggest rookie mistakes I see people make when they start running.

Understanding the most common mistakes people make when they start running is important:
iIf you don’t know what to consider and look out for then you’re left vulnerable to injury.
This can lead to not training the most effectively and finding yourself in pain when you start up running, how frustrating!

I don’t want this for you

I want you to benefit from feeling strong, balanced and confident in your running and enjoying exercising in this manner. Running is a beautiful way to release stress, exercise and keep you fit and healthy.
So here is what I want to share with you today for the biggest rookie mistakes I see when people start running:

1. Getting into it super quickly!

You go from doing absolutely nothing to running and training 3, 4 even 5 times a week. The bottom line here is that you’re simply training too hard too soon.
Your body is not ready to jump into this training schedule. It’s all about gradual progress here. Make smaller goals, focus on improving distance at a slower pace. The repercussions of training hard without building up your stamina and strength is likely to lead to an injury.
An example of the kinds of injuries it can lead to are Achilles issues, Plantar Fasciitis and outer hip problems to name a few. …
This is especially important when you haven’t exercised or worked out for a period. Your body will have areas that need to be strengthened and individually trained to help you achieve your running goals

2. It’s not all about speed.

Focus on increasing your distance, that is the time you spend on your feet. How fast you’re running if working on building up your km’s is not as important as working at building the time on your feet.
Building your stamina is important, especially if you’re aiming for those long-distance goals like marathons, triathlons, and similar events.
I really hope you found this valuable.
And to help you even more, I’m going to record a video later this week to help you (insert benefit).
– Ross Kinsella
P.S: Want to learn more about how we can help you to excel in your running goals?
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