Why back surgery should be a last resort

There’s a lot of misinformation out there regarding back pain and surgery. I wanted to drop by and share something really helpful for you.  


If you don’t get a full understanding of back surgery and what’s involved, you may not get the outcome you deserve. Surgery for all back pain should always be a last resort, as most back issues can be resolved with Physiotherapy intervention. If you dive straight into surgery, this may lead to a reduced outcome for you. Surgery can leave you vulnerable in your back. 

I don’t want that for you.  

I want you to have an in-depth and clear understanding of what’s involved and what your back pain means for you. We want you to feel prepared, strong and confident moving into the next step with your back pain. It is important to explore all avenues, by selecting the best possible option for yourself and your body.  

So here is what I want to share with you today:  

Why back surgery should typically be the last resort  

You’ve had back pain persistently for years, you’ve tried all sorts of treatments, the pain is now so bad, you need a drastic change. Or maybe you think back surgery will be the easier solution.  

99% of the time, you can get amazing results from three to four months of rehab work on your back. Most lower back issues come from reduced strength in your legs, core and hips. If you have poor hip and mid back movement this can compound the pressure placed on your lower back.   

I know what you’re thinking “I’ve tried this route before”.   

Many think that if they have surgery then the problem is fixed. However, what you may not know is that there is a lot of Physio that’s required after you’ve had surgery. Identifying a clear structure in your back that is causing your pain can be difficult. So having surgery to remove a structure or stabilise a joint rarely resolves his issues.   

So the majority of the time the rehab route will likely be the less painful route.   

You need to make sure the treatment that you’re receiving is going to give you the outcomes that you deserve.   

Somewhere where there’s a proven track record of success. An approach that extends way beyond passive remedies such as a massage.  

Back pain accounts for around 80% of clients we see here at the clinic.   

I would love to help you avoid back sugery and get you back to doing what you love. Reach out if this resonated with you.  

Listen, I hope this was helpful  

– Ross Kinsella  

P.S: Want to learn more about how we can help you to tackle that pesky back pain head on?   

Click here to book a time 

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