This is an important topic to discuss..
If you don’t tackle that chronic back pain NOW, you’ll be short tempered, sore, and unmotivated. You find yourself slumping over after a work day. You’re stiff, not wanting to play with your kids, your lacking mobility and rotation in your mid back.
I don’t want this for you!
You’d be amazed how much freer you’ll feel once your mid back has the strength and the mobility to function at full capacity…
You’ll be more productive at work, spend more time with your kids, being fully present and energised with your loved ones.
You deserve to be pain free, although common chronic back pain IS NOT NORMAL!
There are things you can do to tackle this and it’s your time to start NOW!
So here is what I want to share with you today:
Mid back rotation makes a huge difference to not just how you feel in your back, but in your neck and shoulders.
When I’m talking about mid back rotation I’m referring to the movement of your back as you see below v v 90 degree rotation!
There are some key exercises you can use to improve the mid back rotation.
Thread the needle is one example of an exercise you can use to improve your mid back rotation- Example below v v.
Another really effective way to improve the rotation of your back is by using a foam roller.
You can utilise this tool by placing the foam roller under your mid back, slowly rolling back and forth. Place your arms behind your head, see example above.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, strengthening your back is critical if you want long term results for your back.
The first step is to get you out of the pain you’re experiencing. The next step is to improve that rotation to give you better scope in your backs capabilities. This is including better movement in your back, shoulders and neck. This creates a strong foundation for the strength you must build up to get long term results for your back. Let’s stop that pesky chronic pain and getting you back to doing what you love sooner.
Sounds great right?!
Listen, I hope this was helpful..
And to help you even more, I’m going to record a video later this week to help you to tackle your back pain once and for all!
-Ross Kinsella
P.S: Want to learn more about how we can help you to address your back pain?